Book - The Beloved and Charismatic Bluebird (4327793426522)
Book - The Beloved and Charismatic Bluebird (4327793426522)
Book - The Beloved and Charismatic Bluebird (4327793426522)
书 - 心爱的、有魅力的蓝鸟
Book - The Beloved and Charismatic Bluebird (4327793426522)

书 - 心爱的、有魅力的蓝鸟

$ 30.00 销售 节省

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This is a hands-on guide to Bluebirds by Dean C. Rust, that provides practical knowledge and proven techniques to increase your chances of being successful with Bluebirds in your own backyard. 150 pages of new, up-to-date techniques will be presented regarding habitat selection, building and installing nest boxes, monitoring techniques, planting flora for Bluebirds, and protecting from predators.